Relocation, Relocation, Relocation.


We've moved! 
I have decided to relocate the blog. I wanted it to be more interactive for readers and easier to find posts and keep up with new ones. As much as I love 'Weebly' for its design aspects and how easy it is to use, I feel like 'Blogger' is definitely more blog orientated and would be more beneficial to me and you.

I've spent a long time trying to get it together and make sure everything was how I wanted before publishing! I've also updated  the links on my social media site to stop everyone getting confused. I'm still going under the name 'Beauty Geek' (of course), but hopefully now I can do a lot more with this blog and start getting regular posts up! I hope you like the new design.

Thank you for sticking with me!
p.s. All the posts from the old site will be added and published the as the same dates.

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